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111 Baby ☁️unisex☁️

111 Baby ☁️unisex☁️

Regular price $11.11 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.11 USD
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111 Raiponce baby is a vegan head to toe oil.
(Best used during bed time when putting oil in bath water)

111 Raiponce baby

Grows hair & Soothes skin caused by eczema

Raiponce baby also comes with a Free baby brush 


Calendula Oil & Chamomile Oil

to relieve irritation, redness, and swelling

(Safe babies bottom to help with diaper rashes) 

Calendula oil is a powerful moisturizer that can hydrate the hair and scalp.

Chamomile oil can soothe the scalp.

Coconut oil 

to help stimulate hair growth by increasing blood circulation & is an antibacterial 

It can prevent dandruff and other fungal infections on the scalp, which is beneficial for babies prone to scalp issues.

Oat oil to help soothe sunburned skin and help reduce hair tangles

These oils are perfect for baby hair because they provide hydration, nourishment, and protection, while also being gentle and safe for their delicate scalp and hair.

Usage: Shake well , then pull up to remove cap. Spray as needed. 


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